John Milton

John Milton sutiyuq runaqa (9 ñiqin qhapaq raymi killapi 1608 watapi paqarisqa London llaqtapi - 8 ñiqin ayamarq'a killapi 1674 watapi wañusqa London llaqtapi) huk Inlispampa mama llaqtayuq qillqaqmi qarqan.
Taytanː John Milton; Mamanː Sarah Jeffrey.
Warmiː Mary Powell.
[llamk'apuy | pukyuta llamk'apuy]Harawi wan drama
[llamk'apuy | pukyuta llamk'apuy]- 1629: On the Morning of Christ's Nativity
- 1630: On Shakespeare
- 1631: On Arriving at the Age of Twenty-Three
- 1632: L'Allegro
- 1632: Il Penseroso
- 1634: A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, commonly known as Comus (a masque)
- 1637: Lycidas
- 1645: Poems of Mr John Milton, Both English and Latin
- 1652: When I Consider How My Light is Spent (Commonly referred to as "On his blindness", though Milton did not use this title)[lower-alpha 1]
- 1655: On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
- 1667: Paradise Lost
- 1671: Paradise Regained
- 1671: Samson Agonistes
- 1673: Poems, &c, Upon Several Occasions
- Arcades: a masque. (date is unknown).
- On his Deceased wife, To The Nightingale, On reaching the Age of twenty four.
[llamk'apuy | pukyuta llamk'apuy]- Of Reformation (1641)
- Of Prelatical Episcopacy (1641)
- Animadversions (1641)
- The Reason of Church-Government Urged against Prelaty (1642)
- Apology for Smectymnuus (1642)
- Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (1643)
- Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce (1644)
- Of Education (1644)
- Areopagitica (1644)
- Tetrachordon (1645)
- Colasterion (1645)
- The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649)
- Eikonoklastes (1649)
- Defensio pro Populo Anglicano [First Defence] (1651)
- Defensio Secunda [Second Defence] (1654)
- A Treatise of Civil Power (1659)
- The Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings from the Church (1659)
- The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth (1660)
- Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon (1660)
- Accedence Commenced Grammar (1669)
- The History of Britain (1670)
- Artis logicae plenior institutio [Art of Logic] (1672)
- Of True Religion (1673)
- Epistolae Familiaries (1674)
- Prolusiones (1674)
- A brief History of Moscovia, and other less known Countries lying Eastward of Russia as far as Cathay, gathered from the writings of several Eye-witnesses (1682)
- De Doctrina Christiana (1823)
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[llamk'apuy | pukyuta llamk'apuy]Commons nisqaqa multimidya kapuyninkunayuqmi kay hawa: John Milton.
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