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Maskaymanta tarisqakuna

  • Miniatura para Sarah Bernhardt
    savantes, de Molière (como Armande). 1867: Le Marquis de Villemer, de Georges Sand. 1867: François le Champi (como Mariette). 1868: Kean, de Dumas (como Anna…
    6 kB (593 rimakuna) - 15:40 15 ukt 2019
  • Miniatura para Anthony Quinn
    The Texas rangers ride again /Legión de tiradores (USA) 1941 - Blood and sand /Sangre y arena (USA) 1941 - The Perfect Snob 1941 - They Died with Their…
    11 kB (1203 rimakuna) - 16:04 19 sit 2019
  • of smiles If I lose you Paris, Cali, Milan So far away Manhattan in the sand Crossroads Cosas en la vida Sweet love Bottom out Oropel Wall of smiles (Acoustic)…
    8 kB (1015 rimakuna) - 18:24 10 may 2017
  • Ghost Sonata The Student 1962 Dinner with the Family 1966 Chopin and George Sand - The Creative Years Chopin 1968 The Merry Widow 1969 An Ideal Husband Viscount…
    3 kB (86 rimakuna) - 22:30 24 hun 2024
"" p'anqamanta chaskisqa (Wikipedia, Qhichwa / Quechua)