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Burinkin mana warkurinapaq partidu

The flag of Puerto Rico (1895)[1], which soon came to symbolize the ideals of the Puerto Rican independence movement, is now composed of the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) and other organizations.

Burinkin mana warkurinapaq partidu nisqaqa (inlish simipi: Puerto Rican Independence Party, kastilla simipi: Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, PIP) Burinkin mama llaqtap Hukllachasqa Amirika Suyukunamanta kachariyninpaq ruraq burinkinu partidum, 20-X-1946 p'unchawpi kamarisqa.

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Burinkin mana warkurinapaq partidu (PIP)
  1. CIA The World Fact Book, Retrieved Oct. 21, 2007